Welcome to BHS!

Photo of Barrington High School
Photo of To Do List


Barrington High School is a nationally recognized high school located about 40 miles northwest of Chicago. As the only high school in the Barrington 220 School District, it educates approximately 3,000 students. It offers a rigorous college preparatory curriculum and offers an array of career pathways for students. BHS routinely ranks among the top high schools in Illinois.

Barrington High School's mission is to develop in our students a love for life-long learning, the ability to think critically, communicate clearly, and take risks willingly to realize their potential.

The original BHS was located on Hough Street, in the heart of downtown Barrington. In September 1949 it opened at its current location on West Main Street, intended for 500 students. As the community has grown, several additions have been added to the school. Throughout its history, two presidents have visited BHS, including President John F. Kennedy in October 1960 and President Barack Obama in April 2006. Today BHS is recognized as an innovative high school that embraces the future, while still taking pride in its rich history and traditions. Go Broncos and Fillies! 


For general questions, please contact the main office at 847-381-1400. If you have a specific question, please visit our "Who Do I Contact at BHS?" page.


Click here to learn more about the district's attendance procedures

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High School

616 W. Main Street
Barrington, IL 60010


Building Opens: 7:55am
School Day Begins: 8:30am
School Day Ends: 3:22pm

bell schedule

main office staff
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Denise Hoffeller

Administrative Assistant, Associate Principal of Extracurricular & Operations

Stacey Lidbury


Stephen McWilliams


Tracy Nightingale

Administrative Asst. to Asst. Principal of Student Support Team 1 (A-G)

Mara Pearson

Administrative Asst. to Associate Principal of Student Services

Jennifer Robinson

Assistant Principal of Student Support Team 2 (H-O)

Brandon Stroh

Assistant Principal of Student Support Team 1(A-G)

Deborah Swiatek

Administrative Assistant to Principal
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