Miami University: At the John W. Altman Institute for Entrepreneurship, INCubatoredu and ACCELeratoredu graduates who have been admitted to the university are invited to submit a portfolio with evidence of their entrepreneurial knowledge and skills to be considered for the opportunity to waive out of ESP 201: Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Business Models, a 3-credit course that covers requirements and challenges of successful entrepreneurship, characteristics of successful entrepreneurs, the life cycle stages of a business, and careers and opportunities for entrepreneurship. This arrangement allows students the chance to take an additional elective in the entrepreneurship co-major in order to target their learning and pursue more advanced coursework in topics of their choice, essentially getting further faster in their collegiate entrepreneurship education experience.
Harper College: Upon successful completion of this course, INCubatoredu and ACCELeratoredu graduates will earn 3 hours of transcripted credit for MGT154 from Harper College.