Seal of Biliteracy


In accordance with Section 2-3.159 of the Illinois School Code, Barrington High School is proud to offer current Juniors and Seniors the opportunity to test for the Illinois State Seal of Biliteracy. It is highlighted on high school diplomas and serves as a statement of accomplishment for college admission and future employment.

To attain the Illinois State Seal of Biliteracy, students must demonstrate a high level of proficiency in English and at least one other language. An "intermediate high" composite score, or an "intermediate high" score in all four domains, including speaking, writing, reading, and listening, is evidence of attainment via an approved world language assessment.

Students who establish high proficiency in English and come close to meriting the Seal at the high school level will receive the State Commendation toward Biliteracy. The Commendation award does not usually earn college credit. However, it demonstrates to employers and college admissions offices that the student has achieved a high level of language ability. 

Again, recipients of both the Seal or Commendation must still meet English proficiency requirements and adhere to the Illinois State Board of Education World Language requirements.

Students who have earned the Illinois State Seal of Biliteracy or the Illinois State Commendation toward Biliteracy will receive their award upon graduation. Achievement is acknowledged on student transcripts and diplomas.


To qualify for the Seal of Biliteracy, students must prove both proficiency in English and in another language. 

English Proficiency (CHOOSE ONE):

  • Earn a minimum score of 480 on the ELA section on an official administration of the SAT
  • Earn a minimum English composite score of 21 on the ACT
  • Earn a minimum overall score of 4.8 composite on the ACCESS for ELLs exam
  • Earn an Intermediate High in all four domains of either the STAMP 4S or the AAPPL
  • Successfully complete a Dual Credit English course
  • Earn a score of 4 or better on the AP English Language and Composition exam

World Language Proficiency (CHOOSE ONE):

  • Earn a minimum score of Intermediate High on all components of either the STAMP 4S or the AAPPL Form B test in your second language
  • Earn a 4 or 5 on the Advanced Placement Language and Culture Exam 
  • Earn a score of Intermediate High on the ACTFL OPI + LPT + WPT + RPT
  • Earn an Intermediate High on the ALTA Speaking/Listening + Reading + Writing

More methods for demonstrating proficiency and other exams that are specific to certain languages can be found by consulting this list of approved exams on the ISBE website. 

Commendation Toward Biliteracy

To qualify for the Commendation Toward Biliteracy, students must qualify in English and in a world language. 

English Proficiency (CHOOSE ONE):

  • Earn a minimum score of 480 on the ELA section on an official administration of the SAT
  • Earn a minimum English composite score of 21 on the ACT
  • Earn a minimum overall score of 3.5 composite on the ACCESS for ELLs exam
  • Earn an Intermediate Low in all four domains of either the STAMP 4S or the AAPPL
  • Successfully complete a Dual Credit English course
  • Earn a score of 3 on the AP English Language and Composition exam

World Language Proficiency (CHOOSE ONE):

  • Earn a minimum score of Intermediate Low on the STAMP 4S or the AAPPL 
  • Earn a 3 on the Advanced Placement Language and Culture Exam 
  • Earn a score of Intermediate Low on the ACTFL OPI + LPT + WPT + RPT
  • Earn an Intermediate Low on the ALTA Speaking/Listening + Reading + Writing

More methods for demonstrating proficiency and other exams that are specific to certain languages can be found by consulting this list of approved exams on the ISBE website. 

Students of Latin may qualify for the Seal of Biliteracy by showing English Proficiency through qualifying ACT, SAT, or ACCESS scores and by earning a minimum score of I-5 on ACTFL's Latin Interpretive Reading Assessment (ALIRA). A qualifying English proficiency score and an ALIRA score of I-1, I-2, I-3, or I-4 will earn a Commendation Toward Biliteracy. 

Additional Resources

Information for PARENTS
Information for STUDENTS

For more information, contact Dr. Kathryn B. Wolfkiel, Barrington High School Department Chair of World Language and ELL, at or 847-842-3223.